Events and activities at Stanwell Library

Page contents

Special events

There are currently no special events at this library.

Pebble rhymetime and storytime

Pebble rhymetime

There are currently no rhymetime sessions at this library.

Find out more about Pebble rhymetimes in Surrey libraries.


Stories and craft

  • alternate Saturdays, from 11am to 12 noon:
    • 8 June
    • 22 June

It's free and all are welcome.

Find out more about storytime in Surrey libraries.

Reading groups

There are currently no reading groups at this library.

Find out more about reading groups in Surrey libraries.

Other events

Coffee morning

First Tuesday of every month from 11am until 12 noon.

A free event, all are welcome.

Digital Buddy

There is currently no Digital Buddy service at Stanwell library.

Please see our Digital Buddy page for more information and to find out which libraries currently offer a Digital Buddy service.

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