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Special events
There are currently no special events at this library.
Community day
Lightwater Library is open 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm every Wednesday for a Community Day.
Opened and run by volunteers, borrowers can visit the library to borrow and return books, use the computers and the self-service kiosks, and find many of the usual library services.
More information and how to apply to become a Customer Support Volunteer
Outreach rhymetime volunteer needed
Enjoy interacting with both the young and old? Like singing? Perhaps you'd be interested in learning the Rhymetime Volunteer Role?
We are looking to recruit Rhymetime volunteers to assist and learn from our current Lightwater Rhymetime Volunteer who runs an outreach Intergenerational Rhymetime at Bagshot Gardens Care Home (on the London Road, A30) every Tuesday morning at 10.30am.
The role would be to learn from and assist our current Rhymetime Volunteer, cover for her occasionally, and offer more outreach intergenerational Rhymetimes at other local care homes in the future.
A message from the management team at Lightwater Library:
"Having led these Rhymetime sessions ourselves, we have observed the amazingly beneficial and positive impact that Intergenerational Rhymetime can have on the wellbeing of the residents in the care home, as well as that of the little ones as they interact with each other while enjoying a fun singing session. We wish to support our community by providing activities such as Rhymetime that can help to encourage children's literacy, numeracy, motor skills, and socialisation.
It is also such a fun way to volunteer, as the engagement with both the little ones, their parents/carers, and the residents is a wonderful experience that I would highly recommend."
For more information please contact Lightwater Library, ask in the library, email or complete an Expression of Interest form.
Pebble rhymetime and storytime
There are currently no rhymetime sessions at this library.
Find out more about rhymetime in Surrey libraries.
Rhymetime at Bagshot Gardens care home
Every Tuesday at 10:30am.
Come along to our rhymetime at Bagshot Gardens care home (formerly known as Signature). The home is located at:
14-16 London Road (A30), Bagshot GU19 5HN.
This is a free session with refreshments provided for little ones and their parents/guardians.
Please note there is a resident cat (please be aware regarding any allergies).
Every Tuesday, from 10.30am.
Come and join our free fun sessions to encourage your child's interest in books.
No booking needed.
Find out more about storytime in Surrey libraries.
Other events
Digital Buddy
There is currently no Digital Buddy service at Lightwater library.
Please see our Digital Buddy page for more information and to find out which libraries currently offer a Digital Buddy service.