Our response to Storm Henk 

Photo taken from the Runnymede roundabout A30 Egham. View of properties adjacent to the Thames (west of the Runnymede Hotel).

Responding and protecting communities from flooding

In January, Storm Henk brought widespread flooding to areas across the county. This followed a succession of storms across the UK this autumn and winter and caused significant disruption to communities and infrastructure across Surrey.

As part of our emergency planning, we work all year round to help inform and prepare residents for such extreme weather events. We also work closely with partners to respond to these and help properties and communities recover from flooding.

About Storm Henk in Surrey

Storm Henk affected parts of Surrey due to significant rainfall across the region. As the rain fell in a short period of time, it caused areas of the county to experience different types of flooding:

  • Properties and roads were immediately flooded with surface water.
  • Low-lying land and roads were flooded in the following days due to high levels on tributaries such as the River Wey and River Mole flooding.
  • Riverside properties, communities and roads were flooded as a result of increased water levels along the River Thames.

A black BMW car stuck in flooding in Tilford and a picture of a field flooded in Tilford

Flooding in Tilford.

Impact and response

How we responded to the recent flooding:

  • Our Highways Teams increased their operational response team capability in preparation and worked 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to respond to over 113 reports of flooding which were received overnight during the storm. This led to many roads being closed to ensure the safety of residents.
  • In less than 24 hours after the flooding started, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service received 22 calls from people trapped in vehicles.
  • Over 50 properties have been confirmed to be flooded internally across the county with many more affected in other ways and more could still be reported.
  • The Environment Agency were continuously monitoring river levels, issuing flood warnings and informing partners of likely impacts. This included local districts and borough council who assisted with evacuations and helping vulnerable residents.

Recovering after the flood

If you have been affected by flooding please report it to the relevant authority who can help you. More information about flooding, including what to do in the event of a flood and who to report it to is available on our flooding webpage.

Further information on preparing for, experiencing flooding as recovery including property insurance can be found on the National Flood Forum website and the Surrey Prepared webpage.

Once you have reported flooding, you could be eligible for grants to help with the impacts.


Flooded households, businesses and farmers could be eligible for a range of government grants to help recover from the impacts of flooding. Find out more about what you might be eligible for on the Government flood grants webpage.

The River Thames Scheme

The scheme is a partnership between Surrey County Council, the Environment Agency and local borough council partners, to reduce the risk of flooding for communities along the River Thames between Egham and Teddington.

Statutory consultation is now live for you to feed in your views on the plans. For more details visit the River Thames Scheme website.

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