Who is delivering the River Thames Scheme?

Developing green infrastructure while addressing the challenges of flooding

Working in Partnership with the Environment Agency and Surrey County Council and local borough councils, we are delivering The River Thames Scheme.

The Scheme represents a new landscape-based approach to creating healthier, more resilient and more sustainable communities. The Scheme is a project of National Significance. It is an opportunity to develop an integrated scheme which responds to the challenges of flooding, while creating more access to green open spaces and sustainable travel routes, increasing biodiversity and responding to the dual challenges of climate change and nature recovery.

What are the overall aims of the Scheme?

  • Deliver a new flood alleviation channel built in two sections through Runnymede and Spelthorne.
  • Increase capacity improvements to existing river structures.
  • Develop a network of high-quality habitat to achieve a biodiversity net gain.
  • Construct new active travel routes to encourage cycling and walking.
  • Create new areas of green space for recreation.

Why do we need the Scheme?

The Scheme covers part of the largest area of undefended, developed floodplain in England and communities in the area have suffered major floods in the past. With the increase of wetter and warmer weather, the risk of flooding is likely to become a more frequent occurrence.

Wherever possible the aim is for the two sections of the channel, to look as much like the natural landscape as possible and provide better access to green open spaces and deliver a more sustainable travel network with additional bridges in scope of the design, to link both sides of the river.

What is the green infrastructure of the Scheme?

The Scheme will deliver these improvements by creating new public areas with new footpaths and cycleways. Areas will be as accessible as possible.

Providing more green space along the river will open opportunities for leisure activities such as jogging, walking, cycling, sports and games. These green spaces can provide social, mental, and physical health benefits for our community.

How can I shape the Scheme?

In early 2024 the Scheme will launch its Statutory Consultation, an opportunity for people to shape the final design of the scheme ahead of the submission of the Development Consent Order in late 2024.

We will be able to share the details of these events from early January 2024, please stay tuned for further updates. Between now and Statutory Consultation, there are opportunities to learn more about the scheme. You can go to our website River Thames Scheme for information on the scheme progression in our development pages, check out our latest news and view updates on community events we will be attending in the coming weeks. You can also follow us on our social media channels.

We are also keen to develop case studies of those who have been impacted by flooding. If you would like to participate in sharing your story please email: enquiries@riverthamesscheme.org.uk. You can also email us if you have any questions you would like to ask the team directly.

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