Proposed new recycling facility for Surrey

Dry recycling bin

Shaping our county's sustainable future

A new materials recycling facility in Longcross could process up to 100,000 tonnes of recycling from Surrey's homes. As the third best performing county council in England for recycling, we are committed to doing even more to improve recycling rates and reduce residual waste for a sustainable future.

We are proposing to build the facility next to Trumps Farm in Longcross, which could process dry mixed recycling from homes in the west of the county including; paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, steel and aluminium cans. This would be sent off to manufacturers to turn into new products. The location has been identified in the Surrey Waste Local Plan as a site that is suitable to process dry mixed recycling from households as it is adjacent to a former landfill site that we manage. The facility would help us to reduce the environmental impact of long-distance haulage required to transport materials out of the county and future-proof waste and recycling services to cope with Surrey's growing population.

Take a look at the plans in the virtual consultation room.

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