Surrey Countryside Access Forum Agenda for 17 July 2023

The Surrey Countryside Access Forum
Meeting to be held at 1.30pm on Monday, 24 April
Surrey AONB Office, Warren Farm Barns, Dorking and online via Microsoft Teams


  1. Declarations of Interest
    2 minutes
  2. Apologies/Introductions
    2 minutes
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    5 mins
    To confirm the minutes of the previous meetings held
  4. Matters Arising / Action points
    15 minutes
    To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting not included elsewhere on the agenda.
  5. Update on ongoing issues
    15 minutesMoD Liaison
    - Joint LAF chairs meeting
    - Junction 10 status/closures – roundabout, Pegasus crossing and RHS crossing
    - Wildfires
    - Wisley new town
  6. Matters dealt with since the previous meeting
    5 minutes
  7. Surrey Police discussion
    15 mins
    To discuss rural crime issues
  8. Access for Disabled Users
    25 mins
    Yasmin Broome to talk about disabled access to the countryside.
  9. Surrey Hills AONB – user groups update and issues discussions
    15 mins
    boundary extension, working parties' feedback, funding.
  10. Rights of Way improvement plan
    15 minutes
  11. WACT subgroup update
    10 Minutes
  12. Outstanding Consultations
    5 minutes
    To note those consultations which are outstanding and to which the Forum have not yet responded.
  13. Any other Business / public questions
    10 minutes
  14. Action Plan review
    5 minutes
  15. Dates of next meetings for 2023
    1 min

16 October 2023 1:30pm – to be confirmed

Contact Jonathan Wall by telephone on 020 8541 9343 or e-mail to give apologies, for queries on the contents of the agenda and to request copies of related documents. 3863

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