Footpaths, byways and bridleways

Surrey has almost 3482 kilometres (2164 miles) of footpaths bridleways, and byways. We are responsible for the management and maintenance of this network, and for the Definitive Map that is a legal record of the position and status of Rights of Way.

Surrey's rights of way network is made up of approximately:

  • 2,243 km (1394 miles) of public footpaths which you have the right to use on foot only
  • 1,115 km (693 miles) of public bridleways which you have the right to use on foot, on horseback or on a bicycle (cyclists should give way to walkers and riders)
  • 0.7 km (0.4 miles) of restricted byways which you have the right to use on foot, on horseback or on/in any vehicle which is not mechanically propelled (for example a bicycle, horse drawn vehicles).
  • 123 km (76 miles) of Byways Open to All Traffic (BOATs) which you can use on foot, on horseback and on or in any sort of vehicle

Rights of Way Improvement Plan - Public consultation

We are in the process of creating a new Rights of Way Improvement Plan. In our recent online public survey we asked for your views on Surrey's rights of way network. We had a huge amount of response to the survey and you told us how and where you used the network and how it can better meet your needs now and in the future. We are now reviewing this information and using it to help create a new Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2024-34.

The new Rights of Way Improvement Plan will be available for public consultation later in 2024 where there will be further opportunity to comment.

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