Surrey Countryside Access Forum

We need you! Appeal for new members

The Surrey Countryside Access Forum is looking to recruit new members. If you have a specific interest in nature conservation, land management, tourism, disability access, walking or are a landowner, and would like to have a say on issues relating to access to the countryside, please email or phone 0300 200 1003 to receive more information and an application form.

Do you have an interest in access to Surrey's valuable and varied countryside and would like to get involved supporting the Surrey Countryside Access Forum (SCAF) If so, we would love to hear from you.

We are looking for someone and to provide the forum with secretarial support on a voluntary basis. SCAF meets quarterly and is an independent body advising the council and others on improving access to the countryside. If you would like to find out more about this interesting opportunity, please drop us an email:

About the forum

The Forum is an independent body that advises the County Council and others on improving access to the countryside. It has a maximum of 22 members who represent a broad range of interests, including farmers, landowners and those who earn their living in the countryside; users who enjoy the countryside in many different ways; and other relevant interests, such as nature conservation.

Meeting dates for 2024

The Forum meets in public and everyone is welcome to attend. Meetings are currently planned for the following dates:

  • 22 April 2024 1.30pm at Merrow Depot, Merrow Lane, Guildford GU4 7BQ and online via Microsoft Teams. Please email for the meeting link
  • 22 July 2024 2.30pm - venue to be confirmed
  • 21 October 2024 1.30pm- venue to be confirmed

Please also see our: Minutes and agendas webpage.

Annual review

Please use the contact details below to request a copy of the Surrey Countryside Access Forum Annual Review.

You can write to the Secretary of the Forum at:

Whitebeam Lodge
Merrow Depot
Merrow Lane
Surrey GU4 7BQ

or email:

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