Public footpaths 11 and 12 and public BOAT 525 Temporary Closure Order 2023


Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Section 14(1)
The Surrey County Council
Public Bridleways 11 and 12 (Wisley) and Public Byway Open to All Traffic 525 (Ockham)/D241 Elm Lane
Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2023

On 20 July 2023 Surrey County Council made a temporary order to prohibit all traffic on foot or any other means from entering or proceeding along that length of:

  1. Public Footpath 11 (Wisley) from the junction with Public Bridleway 8 (Wisley) on the northern side of Clearmount Bridge (Grid ref. 507440 159510) in an easterly, then north-easterly direction for approximately 1000 metres to a point at Wisley Common, south of Redhill Road, Cobham (Grid ref. 508786 159786).
  2. Public Footpath 12 (Wisley) from the junction with Public Footpath 11 (Wisley) (Grid ref. 507709 159576) in an easterly direction for approximately 370 metres to the junction with Public Bridleway 12 (Ockham) at Wisley Common (Grid ref. 508786, 159786).
  3. Public Byway Open to All Traffic 525 (Ockham)/D241 Elm Lane from the junction with Public Bridleway 16 Ockham (Grid ref. 507920, 158120) in a westerly direction to the junction with Elm Lane and Public Footpath 14 (Ockham) (Grid ref. 507437, 158052).

The Order is necessary by reason of danger to the public due to works taking place on and next to the paths as part of the M25 Junction 10 Improvement Scheme. It was in operation from 24 July 2023 for a period of 6 months until 24 January 2024. On 16 January 2024 The Secretary of State for Transport granted approval to extend the Order until 24 January 2025, or until the completion of works if earlier, while the relevant notices are displayed.

The temporary closure will only be in operation when appropriate road traffic signs are displayed on site by the County Council or an authorised person acting on its behalf. Access to properties will not be affected.

There are no suggested alternative routes.

The 'Surrey County Council Public Footpaths 11 and 12 (Wisley) and Public Byway Open to All Traffic 525 (Ockham)/D241 Elm Lane Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2023 will be made by the County Council under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Dated: 16 January 2024

Katie Stewart - Executive Director - Environment, Transport and Infrastructure

Enquiries to: Countryside Access Team, Surrey County Council, Whitebeam Lodge, Merrow Depot, Merrow Lane, Guildford GU4 7BQ. Telephone: 0300 200 1003 or email:

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