Public rights of way open data

The file attached below contains data regarding Public Rights of Way in Surrey. This is a digital representation of information contained within the Surrey Definitive Map (which constitutes the Council's legal record of the position and particulars of public rights of way). The following points should be noted when using and viewing the contents of this dataset:

  1. It is for information only.
  2. It remains only an interpretation of the Definitive Map and cannot be used in its place nor as the legal record.
  3. It should not be relied upon for determining the position or alignment of any public right of way. You should always refer to the Surrey County Council Definitive Map and Statement for exact information regarding the alignment and status of a right of way as these may have been changed by subsequent legal orders.
  4. The fact that a right does not appear in this data does not necessarily mean that it did not exist at its relevant date. The data in no way prevents the acquisition by the public either by express dedication or by user, of higher or additional rights of way.
  5. Since this database was last updated changes may have been made to the Definitive Map.
  6. The same data may also be viewed on The Council's own Rights of Way Interactive Map.
  7. Alternatively a continuously updated version of the Rights of Way data can be viewed on our 'track a fault' map.

Files to download and terms of use

Data published here is free and open for use. There is no need to apply or ask for permission to download and use it. It is necessary however to comply with the terms of the Open Government Licence and OS OpenDataTM. Any use of the data must acknowledge this copyright and source by including the following attribution statement: 'This dataset contains data derived in part from Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database rights 2020'. By downloading the files below you are acknowledging and agreeing to the above terms of use:

Declaration and files

By downloading the files below, I confirm that I agree to, and will abide by, the terms of use outlined above.

Surrey Public Rights of Way Open Data Guidance (PDF)

  • Format: PDF
  • Last updated: 7 August 2023
  • Date published: 8 August 2023

Open Data files for rights of way in Surrey (Zip)

(Please note: you may see a blank screen whilst the above file downloads)

  • Format: GeoPackage (.GPKG)
  • Last updated: 7 August 2023
  • Date published: 8 August 2023
  • Zip file also includes the following PDF files: Getting started with GeoPackage, Ordinance Survey licence and Public Rights of Way Open Data guidance.

Instructions detailing how to load this data into relevant software can be found at Getting started with GeoPackage and Creating a folder connection.

Further information and links to other Open Data released by Surrey County Council can be found at Surrey Open Data.

If you have any questions please use the following contact details.

Files available to download

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