Surrey Countryside Access Forum Agenda for 18 October 2021

Meeting to be held at 1.30pm on Monday, 18 October 2021 Woodhatch Place, Reigate and online via Microsoft Teams

  • Minutes silence to remember David Bellchamber
  • Membership of Forum 2021/22 To introduce new and reappointed members
  • Election of Chair and Vice Chair
  • Declarations of Interest
  • Apologies
  • Hugh Broome, Landowner
  • To hear from Hugh Broome about the issues he faces as a landowner with public access to his land and how he manage this. Followed by questions and discussion
  • Minutes of Previous Meeting: To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 July 2021
  • Matters Arising / Action points
  • To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting not included elsewhere on the agenda.
  • Matters dealt with since the previous meeting
  • Dagley Lane Active Travel Scheme
  • North Park Farm Quarry
  • Wolvens Lane proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)
  • To hear feedback from the Local Committee meeting where the proposal to make a TRO was discussed and the decision that was made
  • Forward Plan
  • To agree what the Forum would like to achieve over the course of 2021/22, bearing in mind resources.
  • Outstanding Consultations
    To note those consultations which are outstanding and to which the Forum have not yet responded
  • Any other urgent business or public questions
  • Date of next meeting
  • Date and venue to be confirmed

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