Children Services and Early Help in Surrey has many different aspects. These one-minute guides have been created to help your understanding of some of the support, services, and processes in Surrey. The guides are based on common themes in our enquiries and are separated by the following topics:
- Behaviour
- Domestic Abuse
- General advice and tips for parents/carers
- Health
- Practice, processes and roles in Surrey
- Targeted services in Surrey
- Voluntary Services
- How to handle difficult behaviour in young children (PDF)
- How to handle difficult behaviour in older children (PDF)
- Setting boundaries (PDF)
Domestic abuse
- Domestic abuse (PDF)
- Domestic abuse advice: safety tips for child contact (PDF)
- Domestic abuse advice: safety tips for victims of stalking (PDF)
General advice and tips for parents/carers
- Additional need and disability (PDF)
- Advice for children with sleep disturbances
- Mentoring (PDF)
- Reducing parental conflict (PDF)
- Supporting father's role in parenting (PDF)
- Useful organisations for fathers and those waiting to be fathers (PDF)
Practice, Processes and roles in Surrey
Team around the family:
- What is a Team Around the Family (TAF)? (PDF)
- Top tips for a team around the family (PDF)
- Becoming a Child Champion (PDF)
- Early Help assessments (PDF)
Roles and teams who support practitioners at Surrey:
- Children With Disabilities Team (PDF)
- Domestic Abuse Advice for Early Help Advisors and Partner Agencies (PDF)
- Family group conference (PDF)
- Locality Early Help Advisors (PDF)
- Return Home Interview prompts (PDF)
- Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership (PDF)
- Youth Offending Service (PDF)
Processes in Surrey:
- Housing advice (PDF)
- Independent Child Trafficking Guardians (PDF)
- National Referral Mechanism (PDF)
- Online safety advice for professionals (PDF)