Discounts and special offers in adult learning

Please find below information about our discounts and offers.

Please note – Only one discount and/or one special offer is applicable at any one time. Discounts and special offers may be added, amended or withdrawn at any time.

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On most courses, discounted fees are available for eligible learners.

The fees shown on our website and in our brochure are subsidised by a grant from the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

You will qualify for the subsidised fees if you are aged 19 years or over and are a national of any European Union (EU) country or are the spouse, civil partner or child of an EU national and have been continuously resident in the European Economic Area (EEA) for at least the three years before the start of your course.

Please note that for the below:

  • Discounts only apply to Tailored Learning.
  • Discounts will not be given for courses of one or two days or full cost recovery courses of any length (course codes ending 'NZA').
  • Discounts only apply to the Basic Course Fee. Sundries, Technician and Model costs do not qualify for a discount.
  • Only one of the below discounts is applicable at any one time.

Age 66 and over

If you are 66 years of age or over and not in full-time paid employment on the first day of your course, you may claim a 10% discount off tuition fees on eligible courses. This excludes non funded courses such as:

  • Arts and crafts courses above improver level
  • Language courses at upper intermediate level and above
  • Royal history and psychology humanities courses that do not lead to a qualification with Surrey Adult Learning
  • Art and Crafts all short courses (1 & 2 day)
  • Languages conversation courses
  • Lectures
  • All cookery and nutrition other than HPT Essential Skills
  • All exercise other than Tai Chi and Yoga
  • Dance

Means tested benefits

If you are over 19 years of age, you may claim a 50% discount off the tuition fees on a maximum of two courses per term if, at the time of enrolment, you are in receipt of any of the following:

  • Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)*
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)*
  • Income Support*
  • Pension Guarantee Credit*
  • Universal Credit**
  • Working Tax Credit (with a household income of less than £18,725)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Carer's Allowance
  • Council Tax Reduction

This excludes non funded courses such as:

  • Arts and crafts courses above improver level
  • Language courses at upper intermediate level and above
  • Royal history and psychology humanities courses that do not lead to a qualification with Surrey Adult Learning
  • Art and Crafts all short courses (1 & 2 day)
  • Languages conversation courses
  • Lectures
  • All cookery and nutrition other than HPT Essential Skills
  • All exercise other than Tai Chi and Yoga
  • Dance

We will need to see proof of receipt of your benefits. This can either be a copy of the documentation that was posted or given to you, or a screenshot of the website log in page, so long as it clearly shows your name, the type of benefit and the date.

This must be dated within 6 months of the end date of your course to be accepted to claim the discount.

*If you are in receipt of Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support or Pension Guarantee Credit and do not have a recent letter you can request one online: Get a proof of benefit letter.

**If you are in receipt of Universal Credit and do not have a recent letter you can request one online: Sign in to your Universal Credit account.

The 50% discount may also apply to the unwaged partners or dependants of benefit claimants. To qualify, you will need to supply proof of co-residence, eg council tax statement, when you enrol.

We are sorry but this discount cannot be redeemed online.

Surrey County Council (SCC) staff

As part of the SCC MyBenefits Scheme, you may claim a 25% discount off tuition fees on eligible courses. You will need to provide your personnel number, job title and work location during the enrolment stage.

We are sorry but this discount cannot be redeemed online.


Library offer - £10 off your first course

As a Surrey library member, you can get an exclusive £10 discount off of your first course with Surrey Adult Learning.

To claim this discount, learners will need to state they wish to claim the 'library discount' during the enrolment stage.

Join your library online or in person.

Get fit 50+ - £20 off your first dance or exercise course

For learners aged 50 and over on the first day of the course, you can get an exclusive £20 discount off your first dance or exercise course with Surrey Adult Learning.

To claim this discount, learners will need to state they wish to claim the 'Get Fit 50+ discount' during the enrolment stage.

Lectures discount – three lectures for £45

There is a special rate of £45 for three different 2-hour lectures booked at the same time.

To claim this discount, learners will need to book all three at the same time for the same person and state they wish to claim the 'Lectures discount' during the enrolment stage.

Welcome to learning – 50% off voucher

A voucher awarded to learners that have completed selected Family Learning courses giving 50% off the tuition fee of their next course with Surrey Adult Learning.

The claim this discount, learners will need to provide the voucher during the enrolment stage.

Surrey Heritage – £10 off your first course

As a Surrey Heritage user, you can get an exclusive £10 discount off your first course with Surrey Adult Learning.

To claim this discount, learners will need to state they wish to claim the 'Surrey Heritage discount' during the enrolment stage.

Henrietta Parker Trust (HPT)

The Henrietta Parker Trust is a charitable trust that was set up with the aim of supporting Adult Skills Development.

The Molesey (Henrietta Parker) Adult Learning Centre continues to offer this today and we are pleased that Surrey Adult Learning (SAL) are able to offer courses and learning opportunities to eligible learners as part of our Essential Skills programme of courses, using the HPT fund.

Further information can be found on our dedicated Henrietta Parker Trust website.

Refer a friend - Share a £40 discount

Refer a friend to Surrey Adult Learning and you can share a £40 discount. The friend will receive a £20 discount at the enrolment stage and a £20 discount off a future course will be provided to the referrer following completion of the course.

To claim the discount:

  1. Invite a friend to enrol, make sure you give them your last name, postcode and house number.
  2. Your friend will need to enrol by calling our Customer Service Team on 0300 200 1044 and state that they wish to claim the 'Refer a friend discount'.

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions apply for all the above and can be found on our special offers terms and conditions page.

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