Henrietta Parker Trust

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The Henrietta Parker Trust (HPT) is a charitable trust that was set up with the aim of supporting adult skills development.

Mrs Henrietta Parker, a local resident of Molesey, in Elmbridge, wished to leave a legacy, promising educational opportunities to adults that would help them to prepare for employment.

The Molesey (Henrietta Parker) Adult Learning Centre continues to offer this today and we are pleased that Surrey Adult Learning (SAL) are able to offer courses and learning opportunities to eligible learners as part of our Essential Skills programme of courses, using the HPT fund.

Want to find out more about Henrietta and the trust?

Further information can be found on our dedicated Henrietta Parker Trust website.

Terms and conditions, including eligibility criteria, can be found on our special offers webpage.

Our courses

The full list of courses currently available including full course information can be found in our course directory.

Explore our Henrietta Parker Trust courses

For further details or to book your place on a course, please call our Customer Service Team on 0300 200 1044 or email adultlearning@surreycc.gov.uk

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