Middle Eastern Dance Taster

Course intent

A perfect way to tone your muscles and build core strength. This is an easy-to-follow taster class that will develop your movement skills quickly - you’ll soon be shimmying to Arabic beats and wiggling your way to fitness!

What will we cover?

You will learn the basic moves & steps building up to a short routine. This is a very fun and sociable session.

Who is this course for? Is there anything I need to know before joining?

This one-off taster session is designed for everyone. From complete beginners, those wanting to refresh their skills or more experienced. It will be taught in English.

What do I need to bring to the first class? Will there be any extra costs?

Wear comfortable clothing which allows a full range of movement. Middle Eastern dance is usually practised in bare feet, but soft-soled shoes, such as ballet pumps. You may wish to wear a hip scarf - but it is not essential.

What can I do when I finish the course?

At the end of the taster, you may want to enrol on our next Middle Eastern Dance course – keep dancing.

Additional information

We welcome learners with additional needs and disabilities. When you enrol, please let us know if you would like to discuss your extra support needs. Surrey Adult Learning values and supports equality and diversity by promoting fairness and respect at all times.

How to enrol

You can't currently enrol online for this course, so please call 0300 200 1044 to express your interest or to make an enquiry for further information.

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