Health and mental wellbeing

Healthy Surrey

Supported by the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Healthy Surrey website helps you find self-care information, as well as signposting to local services available to you as a Surrey resident.

Local services include bereavement support, mental wellbeing support for both adults and children and help on nutrition and how to stay healthy.

Mental wellbeing support

You can find a wide range of advice, help and support if you, your child, or someone you know is experiencing mental health concerns like anxiety, trauma or depression.

This includes help on how to access one-to-one groups and larger support groups, how to arrange and receive self-help resources, numbers to confidential helplines and links to local and national services. All local and national services may help directly or point towards more appropriate support.

The First Steps guide on the Healthy Surrey website has a range of advice, information and self-help techniques that we all can use to help support emotional well-being, and details of local and national organisations that provide support.

Find everything you need in the Mental Health hub on the Healthy Surrey website, which includes links to local mental health support services, self help tools and resources, NHS Talking Therapies and Crisis support.


If you need urgent health advice, help with symptoms including out of hours appointments to be seen by a GP, call 111 or visit the NHS 111 online webpage.

For information on all NHS services, vaccinations, pharmacies, medicines, national mental health services, care and support services, the health A-Z and more, visit the NHS website.

In a life-threatening emergency, always call 999.


Getting your vaccinations is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and others from becoming seriously ill this winter.

Check to see if you're eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine on the NHS COVID-19 advice and services webpage. You can see if you're eligible for the flu vaccine on the NHS Flu vaccine webpage.

To find out more about childhood vaccinations including the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) visit the Healthy Surrey Vaccination and immunisations webpage.

Domestic abuse

If you're experiencing domestic abuse, including coercive and controlling behaviour, there is support available for you.

Visit Surrey Against Domestic Abuse - Healthy Surrey or call the Surrey domestic abuse helpline on 01483 776822 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week, provided by yourSanctuary. In an emergency always call 999.

Bereavement support

The death of a loved one can be devastating and affect people in many ways, but help and support is available locally, and nationally.

Information on bereavement support in Surrey which includes links to organisations such as Cruse Bereavement Care, The Good Grief Trust and talking therapies, can be found on the Healthy Surrey's bereavement page.

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