Public Footpaths 161, 163 and 628 (Bletchingley)


Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Section 14(1) (2)
The Surrey County Council
Public Footpaths 161, 163 and 628 (Bletchingley)
Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2023

On 28 December 2023 Surrey County Council made the above mentioned temporary order, the effect of which is to prohibit all traffic on foot or by any other means from entering or proceeding along the following of lengths of footpaths shown as bold black lines on Drawing No.3/1/21/H39: Public Footpath 161 which extends from Grid Reference 531838 152628 (Point A) to Grid Reference 531830 152596 (Point B); Public Footpath 163 which extends from Grid Reference 531700 152586 (Point C) to Grid Reference 531881 152614 (Point D) and from Grid Reference 532045 152433 (Point E) to Grid Reference 532065 152321 (Point F); Public Footpath 628 which extends from Grid Reference 531897 152689 (Point G) and runs via Points D & E to Grid Reference 531771 152191 (Point H)

The Order is necessary in order to protect the health and safety of footpath users whilst mineral extraction and restoration is completed in accordance with Planning permission TA2020/434 & RE20/00463/CON.

The closure will be in operation for a period of six months from 2 January 2024 or until completion of the works, if earlier. That period can be extended by the Secretary of State for Transport if required.

The temporary closure will only be in operation when appropriate road traffic signs are displayed on site by the County Council or an authorised person acting on its behalf. Access to properties will not be affected.

The alternative route for traffic from the northern end of the closure of Footpath 628 will be: proceed south west along Footpath 161 for 420 metres to the junction of Bridleway 165 and Footpath 629 then south east then south along Footpath 629 for a distance of 470 metres to the junction of Footpaths 628, 629 and 162.

The alternative route for traffic from the southern end of the closure will be the reverse of the route described above.

There are no alternative routes for Footpaths 161 and 163.

The Public Footpaths 161, 163 and 628 (Bletchingley) Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2023 was made by the County Council under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Dated: 11 January 2024
Katie Stewart, Director of Environment, Infrastructure and Growth.

Any Enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to: Countryside Access Team, Surrey County Council, Whitebeam Lodge, Merrow Depot, Merrow Lane, Guildford, GU4 7BQ.
Tel: 0300 200 1003; Email:

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