Alleged public footpath to the north of the University for the Creative Arts, between footpaths 7 and 92 (Farnham)
Description and Grid references
Alleged public footpath north of the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham from footpath 7 Farnham (SU 48336 14703) to footpath 92 Farnham (SU 48355 14713)
Reference number and contact details
Phone: 0300 200 1003 (Highways Contact Centre)
Date of application
16 June 2024
Applicant name and address
Mark Cullington
Consultations and research stage
To do
Files available to download
CP614 Schedule 14 application form and plan (PDF)
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Map Modification Order application form and plan: add a public footpath between footpath 7 and footpath 92 (Farnham)