Land known as Stoke’s Field, Thames Ditton , Esher (Application 1880)

Commons Act 2006

Description of the lands claimed to have become a town or village green:

Application 1880

Land North of A309, West of Woodstock Lane North, incorporating Stoke's Field Nature Reserve and One Tree Hill and collectively known as 'Stoke's Fields', Thames Ditton, Surrey.

This application will be considered by the Planning and Regulatory Committee on 24 April 2024.

Copies of both applications, including plans of the lands proposed for registration, may be inspected at the Countryside Access Team, Surrey County Council, Whitebeam Lodge, Merrow Depot, Merrow Lane, Guildford, GU4 7BQ and Dittons Library, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, KT7 0BS. The originals may be inspected at the Countryside Access Team, Merrow, and an electronic copy can be provided by request to

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