Building Belonging Programme (BBP)

The Building Belonging Programme (BBP) works with and supports children, young people and their families to achieve their full potential and prevent them getting involved in crime and anti-social behaviour.

It is available for children and young people under 18, and their families, who live or go to school in Elmbridge.

The programme gives priority to children and their families who are not eligible for existing services, including:

  • Targeted Youth Support (TYS)
  • Youth Offending Service (OFS)
  • Family Support Programme (FSP)
  • Family Centres (FC)

It particularly welcomes those who are struggling to find or access support or still need help after ending their involvement with another service.

Who is a part of the team and partnership?

The Building Belonging Programme (BBP) is made up of eight organisations working together to provide children, young people and their families with specialised support and guidance.

When they work with your child or family, they will agree with you who is best placed to support you. One or more of the following organisations may support your family.

How can BBP help?

BBP will work directly with children aged between 10 and 18 years who:​

  • Are at risk of entering the criminal justice system but have not yet been arrested or received an out of court/restorative intervention; or​
  • Have close friends involved in antisocial behaviour, criminal activity or are at risk of extra familial harm; or​
  • Have a sibling involved in antisocial behaviour, criminal activity or are at risk of extra familial harm; or​
  • Have a parent/carer or a member of their close family network who has been in prison or is known to be involved in criminal activity​.

What can children, young people and their families expect from BBP?

The BBP team want to help at the earliest stage possible. They will arrange to meet with you and listen to understand your situation and what support you might need. They will spend time getting to know you, so that you can develop a plan of support together. This support will be coordinated by a practitioner you trust. A range of support is available depending on your needs.

If there is a situation the BBP team cannot help with, they will work closely with other practitioners and organisations who may be better placed to offer your support.

What is expected of me and my family?

The BBP team ask that families are:

  • Open to receiving support.
  • Are available to attend meetings.
  • Take part in the support activities suggested by the BBP team.

How families can get support from BBP?

If you live in Elmbridge and believe your family would benefit from the BBP, please speak to your child's school or ask a practitioner who works closely with your family to contact the BBP team.

What is expected from referrers?

If you are a practitioner working with a family the BBP team ask that you:

  • Gain consent from the child(ren) and their family for initial contact with the BBP.
  • Share your understanding of the child(ren) and family.
  • Complete the request for support form as fully as possible.
  • Maintain a relationship with the child or family throughout their involvement journey with BBP.
  • Attend partnership meetings about the family where needed.

How practitioners can refer to BBP?

If you would like to ask for BBP support for a family or child, please follow the following steps:

  • If they will benefit from the programme, contact the BBP team for an initial conversation. Please send an email to
  • If the BBP are happy to support the family, please gain consent from the family and complete a request for support form and send it to the C-SPA at
  • C-SPA will forward it, and the BBP team will review the request.
  • The BBP team will confirm receipt and will contact you (the referrer) and the family about next steps. This will include meeting with the child or family to understand their experience and identify how the programme can best assist them.
  • We will develop a personalised support plan with the family, and we will keep you (the referrer) updated and involved in the family's journey with the BBP.

If you are unsure who to ask and need additional guidance, please get in touch with C-SPA or the BBP team. If you are concerned about your child, would like support from BBP or have a question regarding the programme, your query will be directed to the BBP team by C-SPA.

The C-SPA is open between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday, it can be contacted by telephone: 0300 470 9100 or Email:

Alternatively, you can contact any partner organisations listed above who can ask for support on your behalf. Please also note the BBP email inbox is only monitored during working hours, Monday to Friday.

Helpful organisations

You may also find it useful to contact the following organisations:

  • Mindworks Surrey an emotional wellbeing and mental health service for children, young people, parents and carers, and professionals across Surrey.
  • Fearless a website where young people can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality
  • Young Minds information, advice and support to parents and carers who are concerned about their child or young person's mental health.
  • Childline a free confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. It is available any time, day, or night. Children can talk to Childline on the phone, by email or through a 1-2-1 counsellor chat.

You can also find the details of many other helpful services and organisation on the Family Information Service Directory.

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