Prepare for employment (Career Essentials) adult learning courses

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Get ready for interview success.

Take advantage of our 'Career Essentials' programme, made up of short courses and workshops and designed to prepare you for interview success and build self-confidence.

Support is given, to be your own career coach, search efficiently for that dream job, adapt your CV, complete an application form, write an outstanding cover letter or set up on your own.

We work closely with partners across the National Careers Service, Job Centre Plus and local job clubs to ensure your needs are met and to help impress your future employer.

We offer one day workshops and courses. These run over a period of weeks for a term, three times a year from September to July.

We also offer short courses at the start of summer. Applications open each term in March, July and November.

Sign up to our newsletter to hear when enrolments open.

Employment and digital skills courses at Surrey Adult Learning are free for adults aged 19 or over on the 31 August 2024 who meet the following eligibility criteria.

Course levels

We offer courses from beginners to advanced.

Career Essentials

To apply complete the application form below and we will evaluate your eligibility and skills then provide a course offer. You must accept this offer to secure your place.

Complete this application form

If you need help completing this form please

  • visit one of our centres to apply in person or
  • call us on 0300 200 1044, 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday

Eligibility criteria for our Employment and Computer Skills courses

Getting into work courses at Surrey Adult Learning are free for adults aged 19 or over on the 31 August 2024 who meet the following eligibility criteria.

If you are not eligible for a free course under the above criteria, you may need to pay a fee. For more information and advice please email:

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