Eligibility criteria for our funded courses in adult learning

Many courses offered by Surrey Adult Learning attract government funding allocated by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). These courses may be fully funded by government funding or subsidised (known as co-funded) by government funding.

To be considered eligible for enrolment on courses that attract government funding, learners must meet eligibility criteria:

  • Adults aged 19 or over on 31 August 2024 - Free for adults aged 19 or over on the 31 August 2024 who meet the following eligibility criteria
  • You must be able to easily travel to an agreed Surrey Adult Learning centre to sit exams/assessments where applicable
  • United Kingdom (UK) nationals - Who currently live in England and have been resident in the UK for at least three full years prior to starting their course
  • European Economic Area (EEA) nationals - Who currently live in England and have obtained either pre-settled or settled status under the EU settlement scheme and have lived continuously in the EEA, Gibraltar or UK for at least the three full years prior to starting their course
  • Other non-UK Nationals who are also a non-EEA national - Who currently live in England and have obtained either pre-settled or settled status under the European Union (EU) settlement scheme and have lived continuously in the EEA, Gibraltar or UK for at least the three full years prior to starting their course.
  • Asylum seekers - Who have lived in the UK for 6 months or longer while their claim is being considered by the Home Office.

You will be exempt from the three-year residency requirement if you have:

  • Refugee status
  • Discretionary leave to enter or remain
  • Exceptional leave to enter or remain
  • Indefinite leave to enter or remain
  • Humanitarian protection
  • Leave outside the rules
  • Ukraine family scheme
  • Ukraine sponsorship scheme (Homes for Ukraine)
  • The husband, wife, civil partner or child (aged 19 or over) of an individual with any of the above
  • Section 67 of the Immigration Act 2016 leave
  • Calais leave to remain
  • British Nationals evacuated from Afghanistan under operation pitting
  • British Nationals evacuated from Afghanistan by UK government before 6 January 2022

Other exemptions may apply.

Depending upon your circumstances, we will need to see ID and proof of your immigration status, and for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses, we will need to see receipt of benefits and income when you enrol.

If you are not eligible for a free course under the above criteria, you may need to pay a fee. For more information and advice please email: adultskills@surreycc.gov.uk

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