Apprenticeship Levy Transfers

The apprenticeship levy is already giving us the opportunity to invest in high-quality training, helping to recruit and develop employees to get the future skills needed to thrive and succeed.

As a large levy-paying employer we can transfer up to 50% of our apprenticeship levy funds to other employers, helping to boost the number of high-quality apprenticeships across the county.

More detailed guidance can be found on transferring unused apprenticeship funds to other employers on the government website.

Our vision

The 2030 Vision is a collective ambition to make Surrey a uniquely special place for people to live, work and learn, and where no one is left behind.

We want to see levy transfers generate apprenticeship opportunities which support our objective to grow a sustainable economy and offer inclusive career pathways into employment that our residents can advance from.

At the same time, where we can, we will prioritise our levy transfer funds to address Surrey's skills shortages or support businesses to recover in a post pandemic economy.

Who can receive transferred funds?

We can transfer funds to employers for new apprenticeship starts, particularly where the funds will create an apprenticeship that would not have been created without the funds. This can include new apprentices or existing employees undertaking an apprenticeship. We are not able to transfer funds for apprenticeships that have already started.

Receiving employers should be Surrey employers or organisations that deliver services in Surrey.


We receive a high level of demand for support and our transfer funds are limited. Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received and they will need to demonstrate how the apprenticeship will contribute to at least one of these strategic priority aims:

  • An employer offering an apprenticeship in one of our key growth sectors - Gaming, Createch (Film and TV), Cyber Security, Green Tech, Animal Health, Space, Life Sciences and Automotive
  • An employer creating apprenticeship opportunities for disadvantaged groups who live in Surrey. (for example looked after children, care leavers; those not in education, employment or training; those with special educational needs or disabilities; long term unemployed and those from under-represented groups)
  • The apprenticeship will support someone who is on the Restart scheme to access an apprenticeship programme
  • Enabling access to apprenticeship opportunities to those who are eligible for the Refugee Employability Programme
  • Supporting learn to earn transitions: an apprenticeship that provides a career change at any stage to earn and learn whether a new apprentice, current apprentice or existing member of staff that clearly demonstrates progression.
  • An employer offering an apprenticeship as either a business within or to a resident from one of our 21 key neighbourhoods
  • The apprenticeship will support older workers (50+) to re-enter the labour market through an apprenticeship
  • An employer offering an apprenticeship that will play a role in tackling the causes of climate change and help to accelerate reductions in carbon emissions
  • An employer offering Apprenticeships which support and enable local businesses to offer opportunities locally in their community.

Applying for a levy transfer

If you are an employer interested in applying for a levy transfer, please complete the application form. If you have any queries, please email the Careers team at

The criteria

Before completing the application form, employers should ensure they meet the following criteria:

  • The receiving organisation must have a specific presence in Surrey, either located in or delivering services in the county.
  • The employer will need to pay for the salaries of apprentices. The transfer of funds can only be used for the apprenticeship training costs.
  • Funds can only be used for new apprenticeship courses.
  • Funds can only be used to pay for apprenticeship standards. View the current apprenticeship standards.
  • We expect employers receiving levy transfers to pay a competitive salary to apprentices for the occupation they are training for and at least the national minimum wage.
  • It is the employer's responsibility to select the training provider of their choice and manage the relationship with them.
  • Where the receiving employer is already an apprenticeship levy payer, they must have already spent their levy for the year before applying to Surrey's fund.
  • The request must be for future apprenticeships. The request cannot be backdated on training that has already commenced.
  • Surrey County Council will only provide the transfer in accordance with the Education and Skills Funding Agency funding rules. Receiving employers must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria

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