Music lessons for children

Information and services

About our music lessons

Find out about music lessons for pre-school children and children at primary and secondary school. As well as information about music exams and workshops.

Apply and pay

How to apply and pay for music lessons in a school setting either during or after school, a music centre or online.

Terms and conditions

Details of our policy on missed lessons and cancellations.

Music opportunities for vulnerable young people

Surrey Arts provide opportunities for students with additional social or educational needs, to learn and develop their music skills.

Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme

A Scheme that enables Surrey Arts' pupils to purchase musical instruments free of VAT.


If you play an instrument why not join an ensemble to improve your playing, meet new friends, and have some incredible times. Our ensembles offer a wide range of opportunities from beginner level upwards.

Singing, choirs and vocal groups

Singing is a wonderful way to increase your happiness and wellbeing. With Surrey Arts you can begin to learn the benefits of singing as young as 4 or start to as an adult. All are welcome.

Surrey Arts music tutor information

Find out how to become a Surrey Arts music tutor.

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