Nutrition Workshop - Ease Menopause

Course intent

The menopause can be a difficult time for many women and so it is very understandable why many are drawn to the idea of supplements or changing their diet to help. But is there any evidence to back any of the claims? Can anything help with symptoms? Can changes you make to your diet help with your long-term health?

What will we cover?

This 2-hour workshop addresses the evidence behind supplements, dietary changes for meno-pausal symptoms, and how to reduce both your long-term risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

We will explore the many hormonal and non-hormonal symptoms of menopause women experience both during the perimenopause. It will explore what happens to the body and how each stage of this hormonal transition can be supported with therapeutic foods and nutrients. We will also explore how modern menopausal medications affect the body.

This lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of what the menopause is all about and may be educational/insightful for partners supporting through this transition.

Who is this course for? Is there anything I need to know before joining?

Our nutritional workshops are suitable for everyone. As our courses will be taught in English

What do I need to bring to the first class? Will there be any extra costs?

There will be lots of information, please bring a mobile device or pen/paper to take your notes

What can I do when I finish the course?

Please see the website for details of other workshops and courses which may be of interest

Additional information

When you enrol, please let us know if you would like to discuss any support needs.

Surrey Adult Learning values and supports equality and diversity by always promoting fairness and respect

How to enrol

Our courses are for adult learners aged 19 or over. If you are under 19, please call 0300 200 1044.

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  • Day: Saturday
  • Start date: 11 May 2024
  • Time: 10am to 12pm
  • Cost: £22
  • Location: Esher centre
  • Sessions: 1 sessions
  • Tutor: To be confirmed
  • Course code: QEDW685NZA
  • Places: Places available

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