Strategic Director for Adult Social Care Operations (Deputy DASS)

Adult Social Care and Health services in Surrey are good but we want them to be better. We know where we are coming from and we know where we are going. We have recently bought Adult Social Care, Public Health, and Community and Health Partnerships functions together into one directorate to ensure we can continue to deliver our core principle of supporting people to live their best life. To meet the demands and challenges of tomorrow, we are building our leadership capacity today. Our new structure in Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships will increase the focus on quality and good outcomes; lead a productive and motivated workforce; support inclusive communities to reduce inequalities; and ensure we continue to deliver our statutory duties in a financially sustainable way.

As our Deputy DASS and most senior Director across our operational services, you will provide strategic leadership to a diverse range of social care functions, with a primary focus on delivering impactful services that significantly enhance adult welfare, health, and overall wellbeing. You will ensure there is a continuity of vision, leadership, and decision-making across our County, working in close partnership with our Executive Director and colleagues to ensure that we are united in our mission. This role requires championing major strategic initiatives, fostering innovation, and driving operational transformation to elevate service quality and effectiveness.

In this role you will represent the Directorate and Executive Director on various boards and bodies, providing continuity of vision and decision-making. You will advise on statutory social care challenges, new legislation, and national requirements to the Council’s leadership whilst fostering collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders to enhance service provision and promote integrated care. This is an exciting and critical role, where providing visionary leadership, driving innovation and transformational changes for social care operations will be central to your success.

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