Director of Practice, Assurance and Safeguarding

Adult Social Care and Health services in Surrey are good but we want them to be better. We know where we are coming from and we know where we are going. We have recently bought Adult Social Care, Public Health, and Community and Health Partnerships functions together into one directorate to ensure we can continue to deliver our core principle of supporting people to live their best life. To meet the demands and challenges of tomorrow, we are building our leadership capacity today. Our new structure in Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships will increase the focus on quality and good outcomes; lead a productive and motivated workforce; support inclusive communities to reduce inequalities; and ensure we continue to deliver our statutory duties in a financially sustainable way.

In this position you will play a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction of our services to create a safe, supportive environment for vulnerable adults and their families, while championing personalised support that empowers individuals’ strengths and preferences.

We will look to you to drive continuous improvement across our services, provide visionary leadership across our teams, represent Surrey in local, regional, and national forums; and ensure everything that we do is safe, compliant, and geared toward delivering the best outcomes for our residents.

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