Civil partnership without a ceremony

A civil partnership is available to both same sex and opposite sex couples. Civil partnership gives your relationship legal recognition and added legal rights. You can read more on the difference between a marriage and a civil partnership by going to Gov.UK

A civil partnership without a ceremony involves you and your partner signing a civil partnership document in the presence of two witnesses and a registrar. There will be no readings, music or exchanging of rings included and you don't need to recite the following legal declaration out loud:

"I declare that I know of no legal reason why we may not register as each other's civil partner. I understand that on signing this document we will be forming a civil partnership with each other".

Locations, fees, days and times for civil partnership without a ceremony

You can have a civil partnership without a ceremony at one of our three register offices: Guildford, Leatherhead or Weybridge. Please see locations, fees, days and times below:

Kensington option

This option is only available at our Weybridge register office and is suitable for the couple and 6 guests.

Ceremony date Kensington ceremony fee
Between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025 £189
Between 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026 £198
Between 1 April 2026 and 31 March 2027 £208

Windsor option

Our Windsor option invites you to have your civil partnership without a ceremony with up to 18 guests. This option is only available at our Guildford register office.

Ceremony date Windsor ceremony fee
Between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025 £329 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Between 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026 £345 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Between 1 April 2026 and 31 March 2027 £365 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Buckingham option

Our Buckingham ceremony option invites you to celebrate your special day with up to 48 guests, at Guildford and Weybridge, and 58 at Leatherhead.

Ceremony date Buckingham ceremony fee
Between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025 £495 Monday to Thursday and £649 Friday and Saturday
Between 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026 £520 Monday to Thursday and £681 Friday and Saturday
Between 1 April 2026 and 31 March 2027 £550 Monday to Thursday and £715 Friday and Saturday

Sandringham option

Our Sandringham option is the ideal choice if you want a civil partnership without a ceremony at one of our licensed venues. With over 100 different venues throughout Surrey, you are spoilt for choice!

Ceremony date Sandringham ceremony fee
Between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025

£650 Monday to Thursday, £860 Friday and Saturday and £965 Sunday and Bank Holidays

Between 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026

£683 Monday to Thursday and £903 Friday and Saturday and £1013 Sunday and Bank Holidays

Between 1 April 2026 and 31 March 2027

£720 Monday to Thursday and £950 Friday and Saturday and £1065 Sunday and Bank Holidays

Certificates are £11 (changing to £12.50 from 28 May 2024) each and are not included in the above fees.

Fees are subject to change on 1 April each year.

Book your civil partnership without a ceremony

Book your civil partnership

Once you have chosen the register office, and the date and time of your civil partnership without a ceremony, you can book a registrar and the register office or make an enquiry up to two years in advance.

At the time of booking, our ceremonies team will discuss the legal paperwork that you need to complete.

Please read our terms and conditions, for costs and information relating to cancelling or amending your booking.

We also offer a 14 day cooling off period, whereby you are entitled to cancel the booking without loss of prepayments.

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