Your Fund Surrey events

Advisory Panel

Your Fund Surrey applications are taken to an advisory panel quarterly. The panel is made up of a cross-party selection of councillors. The Your Fund Surrey advisory panel will review full applications to inform the final officer recommendations to the appropriate decision maker.

Upcoming Advisory Panels

  • March 2024
  • June 2024
  • September 2024
  • December 2024

To have the best opportunity for your project to be presented at an advisory panel meeting, full submissions (stage 2) are required to be submitted by the following dates:

  • Deadline end of May for September panel
  • Deadline end of August for December panel
  • Deadline end of November for March panel
  • Deadline end of February for June panel

Deadline date extended by a month if Have Your Say page has been completed.

Please note that this does not mean that your project will be presented at the advisory panel, the Your Fund Surrey team will formally assess and score applications against the set criteria for the fund. If the project meets the scoring threshold and adequate and timely responses to questions during assessment have been received, we aim to present it at the next meeting.

Alongside submitting the Full Submission, all projects feature on our Have Your Say internet page. This will be used to gain a deeper understanding of how local communities feel about project proposals. Projects will be hosted on Have Your Say for a period of up to 28 days, beginning whenever applicants choose.

Eventbrite question and answer sessions

The Your Fund Surrey Team host weekly Question and Answer sessions to support prospective applicants. To sign up to the events, visit the Surrey County Council Eventbrite webpage.

Please note, if you have an application already in to Your Fund Surrey, please email in the first instance before signing up to a Question and Answer session.

Please fill out a feedback form if you have attended one of our question and answer sessions.

Upcoming Let's Talk events

Join Surrey County Council for the Let's Talk event series which is a chance for you to discuss local data in a fun and engaging way with the people in the community that want to do something about it.

Find out more about the events by visiting the Let's Talk Events Eventbrite webpage. If you have any questions, please email

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