Criteria for Small Community Projects

Your Fund Surrey Small Community Projects fund is for capital funding. Capital funding is money to improve a building, equipment, infrastructure or software.

Revenue funding costs, such as on-going running and maintenance costs cannot be covered by this fund.

Please see the criteria for the fund below:


You are eligible to apply for Your Fund Surrey if you are/ or part of a:

  • Voluntary or community organisation
  • Registered charity
  • Constituted group or club
  • Community interest company (CIC)
  • Social enterprise
  • School or statutory body (including town, parish or community council but excluding borough and district councils)
  • Local business

What we don't fund

  • Projects supporting political organisations or individuals
  • Ongoing revenue costs such as salaries or running costs
  • Replacing any withdrawn funding from Surrey County Council or existing projects
  • Replacing any withdrawn funding from another public funded agency, such as District or Borough (unless by exception)
  • Costs which are the responsibility of another public funded agency (unless by exception)
  • Funding public sector bodies or private companies to carry out their statutory duties
  • Paying for a consultant to make an application to the fund on the applicants' behalf
  • Retrospective funding
  • Highways projects
  • Projects that could be funded by other Council departments
  • The purchase of land and/or property.
  • Teaching national curriculum subjects and/or learning-related activities contained in the annual School and Early Years Finance Regulations
  • Projects that contravene any of Surrey County Council's agreed policies or priorities, including Surrey's net zero ambitions. For example, we won't fund any non-electric vehicles or fossil fuel based energy solutions.

Funding requirements

Applicants for the Small Community Projects fund must be able to demonstrate that the project supports at least one of the aims of Surrey's Community Vision 2030 listed below:

  • Children and young people feel safe and confident
  • Everyone benefits from education, skills and employment opportunities
  • Everyone lives healthy, active and fulfilling lives
  • Everyone gets the health and social care support they need
  • Communities are welcoming and supportive
  • Residents live in clean, safe and green communities
  • Journeys across the county are easier and safer
  • Everyone has a place they can call home
  • Businesses in Surrey thrive
  • Communities are well connected and grow sustainably

Applicants must also demonstrate that they have engaged with their local community and there is support for their project.

Funding conditions

  • Allocated funding must be spent or the project commenced within 6 months of award.
  • Applications will be considered for projects between £1,000 and £50,000.
  • Any projects or individual purchases under £25,000 will require evidence of cost but, in accordance with the Council's procurement guidelines, projects or individual purchases between £25,000 and £50,000 will require three quotations.
  • The funding can form part of a larger project, as long as the total project value does not exceed £50,000.
  • Surrey County Councillors are able to pool their funding to support a project, as long as the total project value does not exceed £50,000.
  • Applicants can only apply to one Surrey County Council community funding for the same project.

If you have any questions about the criteria for the Your Fund Surrey Small Community Projects fund, please email

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