Extra care housing

What is extra care housing?

Extra care housing is similar to sheltered housing in that the accommodation usually consists of individual, self-contained flats, each with its own front door. The difference is that the level of personal care available is much higher and can be arranged according to individual needs. While an onsite care provider can support people with personal care, help with meals and other daily living activities, people living at extra care settings have the reassurance that staff are available 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies.

In addition, extra care housing includes communal facilities which create opportunities for a range of social and leisure activities to take place, and to create a community in which people can live and age well.

How do I find extra care housing?

Extra care housing is available on a wide variety of tenures, with social rent, shared ownership and (as 'assisted living') private rental and leasehold options.

While you can contact your local district or borough council housing department to find out more about the extra care options in your area, Housing Care lists all the settings in Surrey with apartments for rent or purchase.

The future of extra care housing in Surrey

Currently there is not enough extra care housing in Surrey and there is a particular lack of affordable extra care housing. We have committed to increasing the availability of affordable extra care housing by 725 units by 2030. Our extra care housing will be:

  • designed so that you can live your life your own way
  • created with your future in mind
  • within the heart of the community
  • designed to support and promote your independence

Below is a short video that provides you with an indication of how we plan to deliver extra care housing.

Further information

If you would like more information you can visit our Accommodation with Care and Support Commissioning statements page for information on older peoples accommodation with care and residential and nursing care.

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