Your voice matters to Adult Social Care

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Adult Social Care (ASC) aims to support people to live their best lives.

We want to hear from more local people. What matters to you to live safe, healthy, fulfilling, and independent lives?

Residents are at the heart of everything we deliver. We will involve residents in all stages when we develop or review support.

Use your voice and share your story to help improve support provided in your community.

Join one of the groups below to learn more about how to make your voice heard and take part in particular projects.

Groups and networks for older people to join

Living Well in Later Life Network

Getting older and living longer is something we should all look forward to. Staying in your own home and living a healthy life and living well can be more difficult for some people.

Our Living Well in Later Life Strategy is for older people and unpaid carers (aged 65 years and over) living in Surrey.

The council and its partners will say what they will do so people can make the most of their old age here.

Our Older People's Commissioning Team invites you to help shape our plan to support older people so it works for all residents.

For further information please complete our Living Well in Later Life online survey form.

Groups and networks for disabled adults to join

Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

Ensures that disabled residents have a voice by running a range of groups. The groups engage disabled residents on local social care and health matters.

Be involved in consultations and co-design of the services you receive.

Groups include:

  • Surrey Vision Action Group
  • Hard of Hearing Forum
  • Long Term Neurological Conditions Group
  • Community Equipment Group
  • Topical Focus Groups
  • Patient Transport Group
  • Campaigns Group

Surrey Coalition of Disabled People works for the council.

Groups and networks for adults with mental health issues to join

Independent Mental Health Network

Surrey Coalition of Disabled People runs this group which you can join:

  • If you are over 18 years old with lived experience of mental ill health, or
  • If you care for someone with mental ill health

The aim is to share their experiences with care professionals to improve support for the future.

Complete the Surrey Coalition of Disabled People joining form online to join the group or contact Guy Hill or Immy Marwick:

FoCUS (Forum of Carers and People Who Use our Services)

Surrey and Borders NHS Partnership Foundation Trust (SABP) runs four local area groups. Residents and families supported by SABP can have their say and share experiences.

Please contact Surrey Coalition of Disabled People, who provide independent support for FoCUS:

Groups for adults with a learning disability and their carers to join

Valuing People Groups

These groups allow people with:

  • learning disabilities
  • family carers
  • social care providers
  • health workers volunteers

to come together to discuss local issues in their community.

They value the importance of ensuring everyone has a voice. They want to provide opportunities for people to get involved and have their say.

Surrey People's Group

A Surrey-wide network for people with learning disabilities.

At the group people can:

  • Share their views and experience
  • They can talk about issues important to them
  • Work together to make real change

If you would like to join, please email:

Groups for autistic adults to join

Autism Reference Group

The Autism Reference Group is a group for autistic adults. It allows them to influence the support and services available through the All-age Autism Strategy.

The reference group discusses a wide range of topics including:

  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Health and social care services

Members can raise any issues they feel impact the lives of autistic adults.

The group meets quarterly, and meetings take place virtually.

To find out more or to join the group:

Groups and networks for adults from an ethnic minority community to join

Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum

Supports and promotes the needs of ethnic minority communities. They lobby for change through negotiation on behalf of residents in these communities.

They connect organisations such as councils and Surrey Police to ethnic minority communities.

For further information and to join please telephone: 01483 571 781

Groups and networks for carers and young carers to join

Healthwatch Surrey

Works with Adult Social Care to ensure we hear the views of carers. They listen to carers' experiences and help to improve support available to them.

To share your experiences please contact this independent organisation on:

Action for Carers

Allows young carers aged 18 and under to use their voice and share their views on the support they receive.

They share ideas, speak at events, including television and on radio. The forum helps them to gain new skills and share their experience of being a young carer.

Groups to join for broader health and social care matters

Healthwatch Surrey

Works with Adult Social Care and local NHS organisations to hear about the experiences of people receiving health, social care support or services.

You can help to shape, improve, and change local services by sharing your feedback. So, whether you have had a good or bad experience, your views can help to make changes to services in Surrey.

Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System

Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System covers Spelthorne, Runnymede, Woking, Elmbridge, Epsom, Mole Valley, Guildford, Waverley, Reigate, Banstead and Tandridge and it provides opportunities for residents with lived experience to get involved in:

  • shaping their local health services
  • engagement opportunities for people to get involved in projects.

Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System

Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System in Surrey covers Surrey Heath and Farnham. It provides a variety of ways for residents to get involved. Residents can use their lived experience to shape their local health services. They can use their insight and involvement and take part in projects.

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