Look out for Asian Hornets this Summer

As we head into warmer months you may spot more pollinators out in Surrey's countryside. One insect to look out for is the Asian hornet. This invasive species poses no greater risk to human health than a bee, but they are a threat to our native honey bees.

Asian hornets prey on insects, including honey bees and other pollinators, it is a significant threat to bee colonies, and other native species in the UK. They are most likely to be seen near bee hives, preying on bees defending the hive.

An innovative new app launched by Defra allows people to report sightings of Asian hornets, which will help monitor the species numbers and where necessary halt their spread.

Asian hornets can be distinguished from their native counterparts by their abdomens, which are entirely dark except for a single band of yellow – native hornets' abdomens are predominantly yellow.

Find out more about the Asian hornets and how to report a sighting by visiting the Surrey Wildlife Trust website.

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