Planning and building control (fire safety)

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service carry out risk assessments for planning applications for both domestic and commercial premises. This is to ensure adequate provisions are made for water supplies for firefighting purposes.

These supplies include fire hydrants, water tank and open water supplies. We also consider fire engine access when reviewing these applications.

Who deals with planning applications?

Surrey's district and borough councils deal with planning applications for building, extending or converting homes, offices or shops.

Surrey County Council deals with applications for minerals or waste related developments, and for developments to its own properties, such as schools and libraries.

Building Regulations

If you intend to carry out building work, you may need to ensure the works comply with the Building Regulations 2010. The regulations will probably apply if you want to:

  • Erect a new building
  • Extend or alter the internal/external layout of an existing building
  • Provide services and/or fittings in a building such as washing and sanitary facilities, hot water cylinders, foul water and rainwater drainage, replacement windows, and fuel burning appliances of any type
  • Alter the fundamental use of the building (e.g. convert office to hotel)

Compliance responsibility

The local authority building control department or approved inspector is the lead authority and responsible for ensuring compliance with the building regulations.

If the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies to the premises or will apply following the building work, it is a legal requirement that the building control body must consult with Surrey Fire and Rescue Service. The RRO applies to nearly all non-domestic premises, but excludes premises occupied as a single private dwelling

The Government Planning Portal offers further information about planning and building regulations.

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