Sales Accounts and Business Development Managers

What do they do?

Sales accounts and business development managers plan, research, and make things happen to help a company's marketing and sales.

They're needed in various eco-friendly industries like green transportation, construction and waste management and others.

What's the pay and work hours like?

  • Average salary: £44,882 per year.
  • Hours per week: 38-40 hours.

What does their job involve?

Client engagement and relationship building

  • Build strong relationships with stakeholders and industry partners.
  • Customise solutions to meet client-specific needs and challenges and develop sales strategies for environmentally conscious clients.
  • Assist clients in preparing sustainability reports and contracts to align with green initiatives, and educate them on more green friendly products.

Market research and environmental knowledge

  • Research potential clients and markets interested in eco-friendly products and possess in-depth knowledge of green products and their environmental benefits.
  • Stay informed about environmental regulations, certifications and general green trends and technologies so they can seek opportunities to expand market presence.

Environmental impact assessment and reporting

  • Measure and report on the environmental impact of solutions.


Most people in this field have degrees at level 6, such as BA/BSc degrees or similar.

However, BTEC and apprenticeship pathways can also be taken alongside job work experience.

Training providers

You can study business and management at universities:

You can also check out specific courses at colleges in Surrey:

Skills they need

  • Hard skills which are important in this role: Product management, marketing, and sales.
  • Important soft skills: Communication, management, customer service, and planning.
  • Job opportunities: There are about 2,329 green jobs like this expected in Surrey by 2030.

Surrey-specific employers

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