Surrey Energy and Sustainability Partnership

The Surrey Energy and Sustainability Partnership is a collaborative group involving the county council, all 11 borough and district councils, Surrey Police and Action Surrey.


  • Improving the energy efficiency of homes across Surrey, with a particular focus on supporting vulnerable households.
  • Improving energy efficiency and renewable energy generation on our own estates.
  • Investigating opportunities for and enabling supply chains for local renewable resources.
  • Learning for sustainability and energy efficiency in schools.
  • Understanding climate change impacts and improving climate change resilience


Surrey boroughs and districts (covering Environment, Housing and Planning):

  • Elmbridge Borough Council
  • Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
  • Guildford Borough Council
  • Mole Valley District Council
  • Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
  • Runnymede Borough Council
  • Spelthorne Borough Council
  • Surrey Heath Borough Council
  • Tandridge District Council
  • Woking Borough Council
  • Waverley Borough Council
  • Surrey County Council (covering Environment, Public Health, Social Care and Schools)
  • Surrey Police (Energy and Carbon management of the estate and operations)


The officers' partnership group typically meets twice a year, to develop, commission, implement and govern partnership initiatives. The group will periodically update relevant members (councillors) on any issues and or projects as appropriate.

Surrey Climate Change Strategy

The Partnership agreed the Surrey Climate Change Strategy in 2009, for the period up to 2020. The strategy encompassed carbon emissions from the domestic, commercial and transport sectors and responding to the impacts of climate change. Whilst the strategy remains relevant and important, the requirements on Local Authorities have changed since it was agreed.

Current projects that support our objectives

Private sector housing energy efficiency:

Energy Company Obligation (ECO)

Local authorities in Surrey are currently working with Action Surrey (or Heat Surrey for residents in Runnymede) to identify qualifying households to access energy efficiency funding under the Government ECO: Help to Heat scheme which is open to those residents who own their own home or rent from a private landlord. The scheme is aimed at those who are experiencing difficulties in keeping warm due to low income and high fuel costs or are particularly vulnerable to living in a cold home as result of, for example, suffering from long term illness which is exacerbated by the cold.

Previous projects delivered by Action Surrey include Streets Ahead - helping residents living in older properties with solid walls which cannot have cavity wall insulation. The Streets Ahead project completed 464 solid wall insulation installs across the Surrey.

Please contact Action Surrey who will help in assessing a household for eligibility against the criteria, agreed by local authorities.

If you live in Runnymede, please contact Heat Surrey.

Improving energy efficiency of council buildings and operations:

  • All local council's have plans in place to improve energy efficiency and there is ongoing sharing of opportunities and lessons learnt

Sustainable Schools:

Understanding climate change impacts and improving resilience:

Files available to download

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