Rural England Prosperity Fund case study - hydrotherapy equipment for Motion Pet Rehab

Motion Pet Rehab received a Rural Surrey LEADER grant to help fully equip their pet rehabilitation centre to provide a variety of therapeutic services.

Motion Pet Rehab is a new start-up pet hydrotherapy business in Lingfield High Street. The applicant applied for funding to fully equip this new, registered small animal rehabilitation centre to allow it to provide therapeutic services (hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, myotherapy, acupuncture and laser) to aid recovery post-surgery, assist mobility in non-surgical cases and elder animals and support general health, weight loss and training.

The hydrotherapy service (pool and treadmill) will be offered by the applicant and qualified staff. The other services will be offered by freelance professionals who only need a suitable treatment area. A grant was awarded towards the purchase of a water treadmill, hydrotherapy pool and ramp, hydrotherapy spa, dehumidifier and reception desk.

Project costs, grant awarded, and job created

  • Hydrotherapy pool, treadmill and equipment for small animals
  • Total project cost £48,144
  • Grant awarded: £19,257
  • Jobs created: 4 Full time equivalent over 3 years

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