Our transport plan strategies

Information and services

Air quality strategy

Our plan to improve air quality and reduce harmful pollutants.

Surrey Cycling Strategy

Our strategy for cycling in Surrey.

The Surrey rail strategy

How rail can lower carbon emissions, respond to change, encourage economic growth, increase access for all and improve service quality.

Rights of Way improvement plan

Identifying the changes that need to be made to improve local rights of way.

Electric Vehicle Strategy

How we will support and promote the uptake of electric vehicles in Surrey.

Bus service improvement plan (PDF)

Our plans to improve bus services for our residents and businesses.

Integrated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment

How the report has helped identify the likely sustainability effects of implementing our transport plan.

Parking guidance for new developments

Guidance for developers on parking provision required at new developments.

Sustainable Modes of Travel to School Strategy

Encouraging families to use more active and greener modes of transport to travel to school.

Local street improvements

Making it easier and safer for you to walk, cycle and wheel your local journeys.

Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy 2024-2035 (Draft)

Find out about our vision to reduce death and injury on Surrey's roads.

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