Our vision and objectives for our transport plan

The vision and objectives that the Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) aims to achieve have been formed from the four challenges identified in the review of evidence and policy and from our county ambitions (see LTP4 Challenges).


The LTP4 marks a significant change for transport in Surrey, providing an opportunity to concentrate our transport policy into one vision. The vision sets out our ambitions for the transport system in Surrey to 2032 and beyond.

Our vision: A future-ready transport system that allows Surrey to lead the UK in achieving a low-carbon, economically prosperous, healthy and inclusive county with excellent quality of life for all residents, whilst seeking to enhance both the built and natural environments.


We have identified four objectives to help guide the LTP4 in delivering the vision:

  1. enabling a greener future;
  2. growing a sustainable economy, so that everyone can benefit;
  3. empowering communities;
  4. tackling health inequality.

These objectives are fully aligned with Surrey's Organisation Strategy (December 2020), that sets out our long-term priorities as a county council, to achieve the aims and ambitions of the Community Vision for 2030. Each objective focuses on one key challenge identified from our evidence base, as set out in Background and context.

Our priorities are based on extensive research and engagement with residents, businesses and partners. This has enabled us to develop strong evidence to understand the impact of COVID-19, the challenges and opportunities for residents, that we need to target in our objectives.

We have set out below how the LTP4 objectives match up with our organisation strategy objectives and our key drivers.

The LTP4 also provides the roadmap for transport to achieve our 'enabling a greener future' delivery plan.

Our drivers and LTP4 objectives

  • Driver 1: an urgent need for action to respond to the climate emergency and meet the commitment to net zero carbon in 2050.
    LTP4 objective: to rapidly reduce carbon emissions, ensuring Surrey is on track for net zero emissions by 2050.
  • Driver 2: an ambition to achieve sustainable growth in line with population projections and local policy ambitions.
    LTP4 objective: to support Surrey's growth ambitions and enable businesses and people to prosper sustainably.
  • Driver 3: a responsibility to address areas of inequality in access to travel types and the areas of deprivation experienced across the country.
    LTP4 objective: to provide well connected communities that encourage equal access to travel to ensure no one is left behind.
  • Driver 4: an ambition to further improve the health, wellbeing and quality of life of residents.
    LTP4 objective: to create thriving communities with clean air, excellent health, wellbeing and quality of life.

Organisation strategy objectives and LTP4 objectives

  • Organisation objective 1: Enabling a greener future
    Build on behaviour changes and lessons learnt during lockdown to further progress work to tackle environmental challenges, improve air quality and focus on green energy to make sure we achieve our net zero targets.
    LTP4 objective: Net zero carbon emissions
    To rapidly reduce carbon emissions, ensuring that Surrey is on track for net zero emissions by 2050.
  • Organisation objective 2: Growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit
    Support people and businesses across Surrey to grow during the economic recovery and reprioritise infrastructure plans to adapt to the changing needs and demands of residents at a time of financial challenges.
    LTP4 objective: Sustainable growth
    To support Surrey's growth ambitions and enable businesses and people to prosper sustainably.
  • Organisation objective 3: Empowering communities
    Reinvigorate our relationship with residents, empowering communities to tackle local issues and support one another, whilst making it easier for everyone to play an active role in the decisions that will shape Surrey's future.
    LTP4 objective: Well-connected communities
    To provide well connected communities that encourage equal access to travel to ensure no one is left behind.
  • Organisation objective 4: Tackle health inequality
    Prioritise the reduction of widening health inequalities across the system, increasing our focus on addressing mental health and social care integration to reduce demand in services whilst improving health outcomes for residents.
    LTP4 objective: Clean air and excellent quality of life
    To create thriving communities with clean air, excellent health, wellbeing and quality of life.

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