Moving house or school, or replacing lost or stolen fare cards

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Moving house - change of address

Moving within Surrey

You must tell us if you move home within Surrey so we can check your child still qualifies for travel assistance.

Please complete a change of address form and attach proof of address to the application.

Change of address form

If your child still qualifies, we will review their arrangements which may require changes. If you receive a travel allowance and are still eligible, this will be updated to reflect the new distance.

If your child has contracted transport and we can add them to an existing route, the review will be quicker than if we need to arrange new transport. For this reason, please give as much notice as possible of the address change.

The transport company cannot provide transport to a new address without the approval of the Council.

Moving out of Surrey

If you move outside of Surrey, your new council will be responsible for your child's transport. This will start from the date they receive paperwork relating to your child. We will work with you to provide transport for your child until your new council can arrange transport themselves.

Moving school

If your child moves to a new school, they may qualify for travel assistance. Please submit a new travel assistance application. If your child is eligible, we will make new travel arrangements as soon as possible.

Under 16s

Apply for free travel assistance for children under 16 years of age

Ages 16 to 25

Apply for travel assistance for children and young people aged 16 to 25

Replacement bus or coach tickets

This information is for replacing cards for under 16 travel.

For post-16 travel, see our information on replacing or changing student fare cards.

There is a charge for replacement tickets:

  • First replacement: £5
  • Second replacement: £5
  • Third or more replacement in a school year: £10

We will post replacement tickets to your home address.

Apply online

You will need your child's reference number (beginning "DTS"). If you don't already have this, please contact us.

You can use our online payment form to order a replacement ticket and pay the fee:

Pay for a replacement ticket online

Apply by post

Please send us the following:

  • Your child's name
  • Your child's date of birth
  • The school your child attends
  • The transport your child uses and the route they take
  • A cheque for the right fee payable to "Surrey County Council"

Our address is:

Surrey School Travel and Assessment Team, Strategy and Commissioning, Fairmount House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead, K22 7AH

Replacement rail tickets

This information is for replacing cards for under 16 travel.

For post-16 travel, see our information on replacing or changing student fare cards.

The fee for a replacement ticket is £10.

We can only issue 1 replacement rail ticket each school year.

Apply online

You can use our online payment form to order a replacement ticket and pay the fee:

Pay for a replacement ticket online

Apply by post

To apply by post, please contact us and ask for a replacement season ticket application form. You must include your child's reference number (beginning "DTS") in your enquiry. If you do not have their reference number, please tell us.

We will then post the application form to you. Please complete and return the form along with a cheque for the fee, payable to "Surrey County Council".

Our address is:

Surrey School Travel and Assessment Team, Strategy and Commissioning, Fairmount House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead, KT22 7AH

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