Surrey Historic Environment Record - guidelines for users

The Surrey Historic Environment Record (SHER) is the comprehensive record of Surrey's historic and archaeological environment. It consists of information about Surrey's archaeological sites and finds held on a database and Geographical Information System that is funded by Surrey County Council. The following guidelines and disclaimer govern the use of the SHER and all users must agree to abide by them.


All enquiries to the SHER must be accompanied by certain information that enables staff to monitor its use. This information may initially be given verbally, but all requests will require completion of an SHER Enquiry Form after the initial enquiry. The SHER reserves the right to withhold the requested information until the necessary form has been completed.

  1. The SHER must be given full details of the reason for the enquiry, and the user(s) of the information and the use the information will be put to.
  2. The SHER is the copyright of Surrey County Council. Some information held in the SHER may also be the copyright of others. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that copyright law is not breached.
  3. The SHER reserves the right to withhold information or refuse access to the SHER at our discretion, particularly if it is felt that access to the information may be damaging to the historic and archaeological environment. Some information, because of its nature may have to be withheld under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations 1992 and/or Data Protection Act 1998 and/or General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
  4. Your personal details will be used to answer your enquiry and to contact you if there is any query about your request. Details of enquiries to the SHER may be shared with other local authorities if the nature of the enquiry requires it. Enquiry data statistics are shared with Historic England for audit purposes. Please see the Historic Environment Planning Team Privacy Notice for more information.
  5. Enquiry data will be retained for the current year plus 5 years. If you wish to remove your consent for the SHER to retain your details, please contact us at the following email address
  6. Users are required not to use or pass on SHER information in an irresponsible or unethical manner. The data collected may only be used for the purpose stated and may not be transferred.
  7. Depending on the nature of the enquiry, a charge may be levied for the use of SHER staff time taken to process an enquiry. Charges for incidental expenses (for example. photocopying, printing, etc) may be made according to the County Council's scale of charges. Details of current charging rates and policy can be supplied on request.
  8. Any publication or report of information gained from the use of the SHER must acknowledge the SHER as a source.
  9. Users are requested to inform, and to make their research available to, the SHER where new archaeological sites or data are discovered as a result of their work.
  10. Material belonging to the SHER, including books, files, records and photographs, may not be removed.
  11. Any SHER maps covered by Ordnance Survey Copyright must not be reproduced in any format. To do so will result in a breach of Crown Copyright.


Every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information held on the Record, but as the SHER can only be as accurate as the sources used in its compilation, the SHER cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the data. Archaeological research is a continual process and as such the information held on the SHER should not be taken as the definitive statement of these records. Users are encouraged to advise the SHER of any apparent inaccuracies found in the Record and of any relevant information not yet held. The absence of data in certain areas should not be taken as an absence of archaeological features: it may be that they have yet to be discovered. It is also not possible to guarantee the whereabouts of any aerial photographs, artefacts, documentary sources or other material referred to in, but not kept with, the SHER.

Surrey Historic Environment Record, January 2000.

Revisions in August 2007, September 2011, May 2018 and April 2020.

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