Historic Environment Record

Surrey's Historic Environment Record (HER) is maintained by the Historic Environment Planning Team (HEP) at Surrey County Council. It is the most comprehensive record of archaeological sites, finds and historic monuments within the current administrative county.

The record has expanded from its original focus on archaeological sites and monuments to include information relating to all aspects of the historic environment, notably historic buildings and landscape features such as parks and gardens. Details of excavations and archaeological surveys are also added to the record together with environmental information. The archive currently contains over 24,000 records relating to archaeological monuments and historic buildings, and another 16,000 covering pieces of archaeological work undertaken in Surrey.

Surrey County Council charges contractors and consultants for commercial HER enquiries relating to planning matters. HER enquiries from academic researchers and the general public unrelated to planning matters are not charged unless what is required is of a complex nature.

From 1 April 2024 our charges are as follows:

  • Priority Search (results within two working days) – £181 per hour plus VAT.
  • Standard Search (results within five to ten working days) – £125 per hour plus VAT.
  • Priority Planning Application Validation/Heritage Statement Search (results within two working days) – £122 per hour plus VAT.
  • Standard Planning Application Validation/Heritage Statement Search (results within five to ten working days) – £80 per hour plus VAT.
  • PDF Maps in place of Shapefile Data – £62 per hour plus VAT.
  • Copies of Aerial Photographs in PDF or JPEG – £62 plus VAT.
  • Copies of Historic Maps in PDF or JPEG – £31 plus VAT.
  • Scanning of Hardcopy Reports into PDF – £31 per 15 minutes plus VAT (charge may be waived if the work involved contributes towards the HER's current file digitisation programme; please contact the HER to find out more).
  • Photocopying during visits to HER Office – 27p per sheet.

Since the start of 2023, the HER and HEP provides a combined search and advice package to satisfy the requirements of the Forestry Commission's England Woodland Creation Offer and for other woodland creation schemes if desired. The package consists of an HER database report and map or maps showing known historic features within the proposal area/areas; Historic Landscape Characterization map/maps for the proposal area/areas; written commentary on historic features visible on historic maps, aerial/satellite images and lidar data and copies of the relevant mapping/imagery; and written advice from an HEP Archaeological Officer on the known historic features, historic landscape character and specialist archaeological survey in connection with the proposal.

  • Woodland Creation Search and Advice Package – £250 plus VAT (no priority service available, results supplied promptly after all elements have been completed).

All enquiries to the HER should be submitted using our online enquiry form with the exception of Tandridge Local Validation Requirement search requests; full information about these, including charges, can be found at consulting the HER for Tandridge District planning requirements. Queries and other correspondence can be sent via email: her@surreycc.gov.uk.

Confirmation of time required to compile a HER search is sent upon receipt of an enquiry. Invoices are usually sent out to the HER customer early in the month following the one in which a search request is completed.

Summary versions of the vast majority of HER database entries are available to search online through the Exploring Surrey's Past website. Please note this dataset should not be used for planning-related purposes, and academic or other researchers are also advised to contact the HER for full versions of entries rather than rely on the online summary data.

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