Your health and education in care

When you come into our care we will draw up a personal education plan and a health plan to help you succeed in education and stay healthy.

Your personal education plan (PEP)

Your social worker creates this plan just before or within four weeks of you coming into care and after speaking with you, your teachers, parents and carers. The PEP will say what you are good at, where and what sort of help you may need and who will assist you to make the plan work.

Your PEP meeting will take place three times a year, and before each meeting you will be asked to give your views on school, any changes you would like to see happen and to talk through the progress you have been making, with the targets that were set at your last meeting. You don't have to attend the actual PEP meeting but you should be included before and after. A summary of this information will be discussed during your care plan review and you should ask for a copy of the information if you'd like to have it.

Information on the PEP process and more information about how Surrey Virtual School is here to support you is explained as part of our virtual school website.

Your health plan

When you come into care your social worker will create a health plan for you, after a doctor or nurse has undertaken a health assessment, based on your medical information, and discussions with you and your family. The plan will say what you need to take best care of yourself and can include things like dental treatment and eye tests as well as help for any illnesses or disabilities you have or anything that might be upsetting you.

Your health plan – as part of your overall care plan – should be reviewed regularly and changes discussed at your review meeting. For children under five, it's updated every six months and for those over five it's updated every twelve months.

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