Information and services What does a local offer for care leavers mean? Find out how the local offer can help you with healthy eating, relationships, support with housing, education, employment, and entitlements to financial help. What does the care leavers service do? We know that leaving care can be difficult at times, and Surrey want you to let you know in this offer what you can expect from us and our partners, and where to find other useful help. Your personal adviser and pathway plan Your PA will talk with you about what's important to you and help plan what you want from life. They will also work with you to create a pathway plan. Your accommodation There are lots of accommodation options out there for you. Find out more about supported lodgings, supported housing, living independently, and more here. Your education Want to go to college/university/do some training, but not sure where to start? Find out more about the options available to you here. Your employment Help and advice to support you to get a job, apprenticeship, or volunteering placement. Whatever your next steps are, you'll find some useful information here. Your health and Wellbeing Read up on health passports, GP registration, mental health support, and everything you need to keep you healthy and well. Leisure, Culture and Life Skills Want to learn to drive? Or get a free gym membership? All of this and more is available to you as a care leaver in Surrey. Your financial support and entitlements As a care leaver you are eligible for lots of benefits and entitlements such as an allowance for setting up home, you can find out more here. Get your voice heard and events Ways to get involved Useful contacts Have a question? Need some support? Contact your personal advisor in the first instance, but you can also find some more useful contacts here.