Step 7: Accept or decline an in-year place

Summary of this step

You must accept or decline any place offered. You have two weeks to do this.

You must respond to any offer of a place within two weeks. Your offer letter will explain how to accept or decline the place. The offer may be withdrawn if you fail to accept the place in time.


  • We recommend you accept the offer unless you have made alternative arrangements for your child.
  • Accepting an offer does not affect your child's position on any waiting lists or any appeal for a higher preference school.
  • Schools will normally arrange to admit a child within 10 school days of you formally accepting the place. Please contact the school directly to make arrangements for your child to take up the place as soon as it is offered. If there is a good reason for deferring take up, the maximum deferral period is usually four weeks but if there is no good reason, your child must start on the date the school gives. The place may be withdrawn if they do not start then.


  • If you decline a place, you are responsible for finding another school for your child.
  • The place may be offered to another child, so there is no guarantee that it will still be available if you change your mind later.
  • If we are aware of any child without a school place, we will make our Inclusion Service aware and they may contact you directly.

Continue to step 8: Add your child's name to a waiting list

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