Find your school to appeal

If you wish to make an appeal, you will need to complete the relevant form and return the completed form as quickly as possible to avoid any delays.

In year or immediate entry appeals

If the appeals are managed by the Surrey Schools Appeals Service, in accordance with the Department of Education guidelines we aim to hear appeals for immediate entry within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged with us. However, please note we do not hear appeals during the school holidays, including summer holidays

Community and voluntary controlled schools

The Surrey Schools Appeals Service manage the appeals process for all community and voluntary controlled schools.

Voluntary aided, foundation, trust, academies and free schools

The appeals process for voluntary aided, foundation, trust, academies and free schools are handled by the governing body of individual schools. However, in some instances these schools delegate the responsibility of organising appeals to the Surrey Schools Appeals Service.

Find out who manages the appeal process and complete the relevant form

By searching the Directory of Surrey school you can find out:

  • the type of school you are appealing for;
  • details of who organises the schools appeals process;
  • how to obtain the relevant appeal form; and
  • closing date for lodging your appeal.

Directory of Surrey schools

Once you have found the school in the Directory, click on 'Appeal for a place at this school', to find out who manages the appeal process and complete the relevant form.

Alternatively, you can contact us.

Other types of appeals

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) the Surrey Schools Appeals Service cannot hear your appeal as this is not allowed under the legislation. You should contact the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Officer dealing with your case for further details on how to appeal.

Year 12

If your child is already attending a school and is refused permission to transfer to Year 12 at that school or refused admission to Year 12 as that particular school is oversubscribed , you and your child, have the right of appeal. In these cases the process is detailed in the Decision making in appeals hearings - Key stage 2 and 3 appeals web page.

If both you and your child lodge separate appeals for the same school these will be heard together and you will both be invited to attend the hearing.

If you would like more information on this type of appeal you should contact us.

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