Woking parking reviews

Woking parking review 2024

Site visits for this review took place during June and July 2024. A statement of reasons and a set drawings was then prepared and distributed to County Councillors for their agreement and approval. All councillors, after discussion with the parking engineer agreed to the advertising of the proposals.

This parking review is currently being formally advertising.

If you want to view drawings of the changes being advertised, then click through to the Woking parking review 2024 page and scroll down to the files available to download section. Drawings are displayed by County Council division.

If you have received a letter, read a street notice or visited a library and would like to support, comment on or object to a proposal you have until 16 January 2025 to do so by completing and submitting this feedback form.

Woking parking review 2023

The lining required for this parking review is currently 90% completed. There are 9 locations that need need installing or completing. The signing associated with this review is currently being installed.

Site visits for this review took place in April and May 2023. Drawings were prepared and a statement of reasons for each proposal written. The documents were then distributed to county councillors and they agreed to formally advertise and consult upon them.

The formal advertising took place from Thursday 24 August until Thursday 21 September 2023.

All the feedback received during the formal advertising was compiled into a report. The report was distributed to Woking county councillors and the Traffic Enforcement and Parking Team Manager for them to read. Together they made decisions on how to proceed with each advertised proposal.

The final decisions report was published on the Woking parking review 2023 webpage where you can read it, along with the statement of reasons and view the original drawings of the proposals that were advertised.

Woking parking review 2022

Installing the lining for this review is complete, except for two locations. They are South Road junction Thornash Way in Horsell and Ivydene in Knaphill. We are working with Ringway to get these line installed as quickly as possible.

You can still view the original drawings, read the Statement of Reasons and the final Decisions Report on the Woking parking review 2022 web page. Drawings are displayed towards the bottom of the page and by county councillor division.


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