There are a number of stages involved in the review and these are explained below. This parking review is now underway.
The current stage is: Implementation
Page contents
During February and March 2023, we looked at some parking issues across the borough. These issues had been brought to our attention largely by members of the public, the police, councillors and highway officers since the previous review took place.
We visited, assessed, and prioritised the requests for new or amended parking controls, and wrote a report of our findings and made recommendations which should be taken forward.
All the proposals were agreed by county councillors prior to authorisation being given to advertise them by the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Manager.
Advertisement and objections
We formally advertised our intention to introduce the proposals by way of a notice in the Surrey Mirror on 17 August 2023. Around the same time, we put up street notices on site at each location, and sent a letter or flyer to those properties immediately fronting locations where changes were proposed.
Towards the bottom of the page you can still see a document called Tandridge Parking Review 2023 - Statement of Reasons (PDF), which contains a description of all the proposed changes and why we wanted to introduce them. Underneath that are packs of drawings showing the proposals and the statement of reasons tells you which of the drawings shows each proposed change. In the statement of reasons, the proposals are sorted by electoral division and then by town and the drawings are combined into packs for each councillor's division, with some split into two parts based on the number of drawings and file size.
Following the publication of the notice in the newspaper, there followed a 28-day period, which ended on 15 September 2023, during which people could let us have their views about any of the proposed changes.
All objections, support and comment responses were compiled into a report, which included a recommended decision on how to proceed at each location. This was considered by the Parking & Traffic Enforcement Manager, following consultation with the county councillors, who agreed the final decisions. Anyone who responded to the advertisement was notified of the decisions by email or by letter prior to installation.
The final decisions can be found in a report called Tandridge Parking Review 2023 - Decisions Report (PDF) attached at the bottom of this page. We are now preparing the final Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and once completed, this order will be published online and it will make all the changes made in the parking review legally enforceable by Civil Enforcement Officers.
In the meantime, we are going to mark out the extents of the lining on street and place an order with our contractor in the next couple of months to install the appropriate markings. The lining work is most likely to begin in the summer, due to a backlog of ongoing lining work, and the lining work will be completed in a couple of months once ordered. Once the lining is completed, we will place an order for the few necessary signs to be installed. The new restrictions come into effect once the relevant lines and signs are in place.
Files available to download
Tandridge Parking Review 2023 - Decisions Report (PDF)
Summary of the comments received regarding the Tandridge parking review following advertisement and our final decisions with an explanation for each location. -
Tandridge Parking Review 2023 - Statement of Reasons (PDF)
Reasons for the proposed parking restrictions in the Tandridge Parking Review 2023. -
Caterham Hill Division Plans 1 (PDF)
Pack 1 of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Caterham Hill electoral division -
Caterham Hill Division Plans 2 (PDF)
Pack 2 of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Caterham Hill electoral division. -
Caterham Valley Division Plans (PDF)
Pack of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Caterham Valley electoral division -
Godstone Division Plans (PDF)
Pack of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Godstone electoral division -
Lingfield Division Plans (PDF)
Pack of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Lingfield electoral division. -
Oxted Division Plans 2 (PDF)
Pack 2 of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Oxted electoral division. -
Oxted Division Plans 1 (PDF)
Pack 1 of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Oxted electoral division -
Warlingham Division Plans (PDF)
Pack of drawings showing proposed parking restrictions for the Tandridge parking review 2023 in Warlingham electoral division.