Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

Your Blue Badge application

  • A Blue Badge is normally valid for three years and costs £10 When the badge is up for renewal you must reapply, this is a requirement for the Department for Transport. (You should not pay any other charges there is only a charge of £10 for a blue badge payable if your application is successful).
  • The blue badge process is currently taking around 12 weeks for online applications (this does not include any additional weeks if an expert or walking assessment is required). We will let you know if you need to provide any additional information or if an independent assessment is required.
  • You can apply for yourself or you can ask someone you trust to apply on your behalf. You can also apply if you represent an organisation caring for people who already hold blue badges.
  • The badge holder can use their blue badge in any vehicle, whether they are the driver or a passenger.
  • It can be used throughout Europe and further details of where blue badges issued in the UK can be used are available on the GOV UK site.
  • You will receive your badge faster if you apply online.

Apply for or renew your Blue Badge (

Your Blue Badge is clearly printed with a "Valid from" date and a clear large expiry date, you should only use the badge on or after the valid from date up to the expiry date. You should apply to renew it at least eight weeks before your badge is due to expire.

It is therefore important to tell us if any of your details have changed such as: your name, address, phone, email etc. Please include your Blue Badge reference number and expiry date with any correspondence.

If your badge has expired there is no need to return it to us and you can cut it up and dispose of it. If a badge is no longer needed but is still in date please let us know the reason for this, then you can cut it up and dispose of it.

Blue badge eligibility, extended to include non-visible disabilities

The criteria for a blue badge was updated in August 2019 to include applicants who apply due to a hidden or "non-visible" disability. This is primarily for people who suffer "very considerable psychological distress" and therefore struggle moving between a vehicle to their destination, or for people who are at serious risk of danger to themselves or others. To be issued a badge under this criteria an applicant must provide professional evidence. You can select this option when you apply online. You can find further information about this criteria by going to Are you eligible for a blue badge.

Why apply online

Online applications are quicker, payments are secure and therefore we are encouraging all applicants whether renewing a badge or applying for a new badge to do it online. If you are unable to do this yourself you can ask a trusted friend or relative can apply on your behalf.

By applying online you can:

  • Immediately check if you are eligible.
  • Upload your DLA or PIP Blue Badge evidence making your application simpler and quicker.
  • Upload your photograph and documents, if you are unable to upload them you can send them separately by email. (Please do not send them by post as currently we have no way to access the post).
  • Automatically be given a reference number so you can start an application and return to it later.
  • You can track the progress of an application.
  • When you apply online you can pay online using a debit or credit card, the payment is secure and can be refunded if your application is unsuccessful.

We will contact you if you need a walking or expert assessment, or if your application was not successful.

If you are unable to apply online, you can apply for a Blue Badge by post.

If you need to contact us, please provide us with your name and address and if appropriate your Blue Badge reference number.

The video below gives information on how to apply if you are applying online for a blue badge due to a walking disability. It does not cover hidden disabilities . It also mentions Blue Badges can be used throughout Europe – the Department for Transport publish a list of countries where your UK blue badge is recognised in Europe.

A video showing you how to apply for a Blue Badge

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