Our Corporate Leadership Team provides strategic direction to the whole council. It includes the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executive and the Directors of our directorates as shown below.
Please use the postal address on the contact us general enquiries page for any correspondence for members of the Leadership Team or call the contact centre with your questions or comments.
Chief Executive
Terence Herbert
Find out about: How the Council works
Executive Director Finance and Corporate Services (s151 officer)
Andy Brown
Find out about: Our customer promise
Interim Executive Director for Highways Infrastructure & Planning
Owen Jenkins
Interim Executive Director for Environment, Property & Growth
Simon Crowther
Executive Director of Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships
Claire Edgar
Find out about: Adult Social Care, Health and Welfare and Surrey Heartlands
Executive Director of Children, Families and Lifelong Learning
Rachael Wardell
Find out about: Children, Families and Lifelong Learning
Strategic Director, Customer Service Transformation
Liz Mills
Strategic Director of Communications, Public Affairs and Engagement
Andrea Newman
Find out about: Surrey Matters magazine for residents
Chief Fire Officer
Dan Quin
Find out about: Surrey Fire and Rescue
Director of People and Change
Shella Smith
Interim Director of Law and Governance, Monitoring Officer